
The idea of camping sends shivers down many people’s spines.


Most people view camping as a leisurely activity, where the camper might enjoy and take pleasure in the nature that surrounds them. Camping is also an activity most often reserved for only those with the means – this includes tents, sleeping bags, outdoor gear, cooking utensils etc.


Many children dream about their first trip to Disneyland or Disney World where they can have a taste of what it would be like to camp out for a night or two in nature. Once children become teenagers and young adults, the opportunity to camp becomes less likely.


Men and women are simply too busy with their long work hours, family obligations, children etc. These responsibilities mean that the idea of spending a week or two in nature is not feasible, or even desirable. Camping teaches children and young adults a love of the outdoors.


Camping gives children an opportunity to explore in nature, to find a unique rock or tree, and leaves them with a sense of wonderment and appreciation for the beauty of nature. Camping connects people with their roots, their ancestors and their heritage. People who camp are more likely to be interested in genealogy, family history etc.

Camping Allows

Camping allows people to experience things they never would otherwise have experienced (such as cooking over an open fire using sticks for utensils).


The idea of camping often brings up ideas such as the romanticism of the Frisbee golf course in Pixar’s “Up”, where Poppa could share his love of flying disc sports with his grandson Russell.

Unique Way

Camping brings people closer together in a unique way. The events that happen around the campfire, and the necessity of taking care of everyone in the group (having to change diapers, cook food etc.) help to foster a sense of teamwork, patience and empathy that most people will never experience unless they camp.


Camping also fosters a stronger bond between parents and children as it gives them time alone together doing something they both enjoy – being outdoors, experiencing nature and enjoying some good old-fashioned fun.

Enjoy Nature

Camping provides people with a unique opportunity to experience and reflect on their lives - whether the excitement of new experiences, the ability to bond with their friends and family, enjoy nature, race their friends (in a Frisbee golf event), or simply just sitting around the campfire under the night sky.

Physical Activities

Camping helps people to become more flexible by providing them with physical activities such as hiking, mountain climbing, canoeing, rock climbing etc that they might not be able to enjoy otherwise because they are so busy working.

Take Time

Camping also provides an opportunity where people can take a break from all their daily responsibilities – even on a small scale – and take time out from work emails and phone calls.


Camping is a simple and enjoyable way to spend time in nature, and that is a fact that for many children, teenagers and young adults the thought of camping represents.